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New Year, New You, with Psych4U

Overcoming the Challenges of Weight Loss Many studies have shown a strong connection between obesity and mental health struggles, such as anxiety, depression, and disordered eating. Living with obesity often means facing not just physical challenges but also emotional burdens, including societal stigma and discrimination. These experiences can take a toll on self-esteem and make […]

Stay Ahead: Medication Management Before the Holidays

For individuals managing conditions like anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and more, consistent medication intake is vital. Interruptions in your regimen can lead to: With offices closing for the holidays, it’s important to ensure you have enough medication and support to carry you through this period. Our Comprehensive Mental Health Services At Psych4U, we offer a […]

Navigating Thanksgiving Post-Election

Struggling with family dynamics this Thanksgiving after the election? Discover expert tips to keep the peace and enjoy the holiday. Psych4U offers telehealth sessions within 48 hours to help you prepare. We accept insurance.

AUDHD: Navigating Life with Both ADHD and Autism

Introduction Living with both ADHD and Autism—a condition often called AUDHD—can be incredibly challenging. From difficulties with focus to heightened sensory sensitivities, those with AUDHD face unique hurdles. But what exactly is AUDHD, and how do you navigate life with two neurodevelopmental disorders? What Is AUDHD? AUDHD refers to individuals who are diagnosed with both […]

ADHD vs. Autism: How they’re surprisingly Similar

Introduction When discussing ADHD and Autism, people often think of them as two completely different neurological conditions. However, emerging research suggests there are significant overlaps between the two. Understanding these similarities can help in better diagnosing and treating individuals who experience symptoms of both conditions. But what are these overlaps, and how do they affect […]

The Bright Side of ADHD

Hyper-focus looks like someone with ADHD becoming absorbed in a task that they become oblivious to what’s going on around them.

The Journey of Self Love

Self-love is neither constant nor permanent, it’s an everlasting journey. Self-love means that you accept yourself completely, treat yourself with kindness and respect, and support your growth and well-being.